Compilation Steps
- compiling: files get compiled; cpp files get converted into object files
- linking: the object files get linked together and get converted into an executable
Step1 is done by compiler
- First we need to clarify that there is no such thing as a valid cpp file. Any file can be used as a cpp file if we tell the compiler to accept it as cpp file. But as default, the compiler knows that cpp extension represents cpp files
- When the compiler compiles a file, the preprocessor takes care of all the preprocessor statements first. The preprocessor statments can be identified by the ‘#’ notations.
- for #include, the compiler basically copies the content within that file and pastes it to where it is written
- for #define, the compiler replaces all the alias to its original form
- Then it checks whether all the statements are ‘legal’; it checks whether any unknown functions are being called
- We can bypass this by declaring a function signature (forward declaring).
- After it takes care of all the preprocessors, it converts the file into an object file which contains all the machine instructions
Step2 is done by linker
- In order for the linker to work there has to be one entry point. It is usually main unless we specify otherwise.
- Linker checks whether it is able to find all the necessary information such as function definitions
- there can be an error when there is only function declaration without function body
- duplicate function signatures can create linker errors
- also, there can be cases where some implementations are declared twice ex) when a includes b and c includes a and b, b is being included twice which is problematic. To prevent this problem, we need to use header guards which prevents same headerfile from being included more than once
- pragma once vs ifndef (
- When everything is fine, the object files get linked together and get converted into an executable
- how cpp works:
- how compiler works:
- how linker works:
- header files: