Problem Statement
The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n x n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other.
Given an integer n, return the number of distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle.
Example 1:
Input: n = 4
Output: 2
Explanation: There are two distinct solutions to the 4-queens puzzle as shown.
- Because we have to place N queens, we need to place at least one queen at each row. If we do not this, this will lead another row to have two queens which should be avoided
- Using the information above we can use recursion to get all the possible combinations. Now we need to figure out how we know if a queen at the given row does not interfere with other queens in the previous rows
- There are 3 ways a queen can advance; vertical, horizontal, diagonal. But using 1. we are making sure that none of other queens are on the same horizontal line.
- To check vertical lines, we can just add a datastructure (vector/set) that keeps track of all the column values of queens that have already been placed
- We are left with diagonal and antidiagonal.
- For diagonal, let’s say a queen was placed in col 3 in the previous row and we are checking for col 2 for the current row. We can see that while row has increased, col has decreased. For it to create a diagonal line, the value of col + row needs to stay the same
- For antidiagonal, we can see that as row increases, col also needs to increase by the same amount so the different between row and col stays the same
- create datastructures to store col, diag, antidiag
- cal recursion funtion which will return the count
Recursion function
- The recursion function will has the current row as its argument and it will return once it reaches n;
- For the given row we need to check for each column
- check column
- check if row + col already exist in diag
- check if row - col + n - 1(n - 1 used to avoid neg numbers) exist in antidiag
- If valid, update col, diag, antidiag and recur
- After returning from recursion call, update col, diag, antidiag again to make them ready for next iteration
- Time complexity: O(n ^ 2)
int totalNQueens(int n) {
vector<bool> col(n), diag(2*n-1), anti_diag(2*n-1);
return solve(col, diag, anti_diag, 0);
int solve(vector<bool>& col, vector<bool>& diag, vector<bool>& anti_diag, int row) {
int n = size(col), count = 0;
if(row == n) return 1;
for(int column = 0; column < n; column++)
if(!col[column] && !diag[row + column] && !anti_diag[row - column + n - 1]){
col[column] = diag[row + column] = anti_diag[row - column + n - 1] = true;
count += solve(col, diag, anti_diag, row + 1);
col[column] = diag[row + column] = anti_diag[row - column + n - 1] = false;
return count;